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Moonshine & Mayhem Page 8

  The injured were slowly walking from her bakery. Some needed assistance and others walked out on their own, albeit very gingerly. Everyone was gathering in the street as Grand Mistress Lauren and Grand Master Linus stood before them.

  “The first order of business is to elect our leaders and council. I hereby put my position up for election and welcome any nominations,” Lauren called out as her tail flicked. “Does anyone have a nomination?”

  “Master Slade,” Samuel called out.

  “Mistress Zoey,” Polly nominated with a smile as she sent her a wink.

  “Master Slade, do you accept your nomination for Grand Master?” Lauren asked.

  “While I am honored at the nomination, I must decline. I have other matters that require my attention,” Slade said with a grin as he looked down at Zoey, leaving no doubt as to what matters he meant.

  “Mistress Zoey?” Linus asked.

  “I too must decline. I still have too much to learn.” Zoey turned to her friend and held out her hand to Polly. “Thank you for nominating me.”

  “Thank you for saving us,” Polly said as she hugged her to the cheers of the crowd.

  Zoey’s dad walked up to her and smiled. “I’m so proud of you, ZoAnna.”

  “I missed you so much, Dad,” Zoey said with tears in her eyes as her father wrapped her in hug. She heard sniffing from some of the women around her.

  “I missed you too, Jellybean. But now,” he said as Zoey looked up into his eyes, “we can have father-daughter time learning magic.”

  “I’d like that a lot.” Zoey took a deep breath, and with a man she loved on either side of her, she called out, “I nominate Mistress Lauren.” The cat turned her head quickly blinking her teal eyes that were filled with tears.

  “And I nominate Master Linus,” Slade said seriously. “He’s lead us through these dark times just as Mistress Lauren has.”

  Linus bowed his head to Slade. “Thank you, son.”

  The word had more meaning than a simple endearment. Linus had been more of a father to Slade than Alexander ever was, and Zoey felt the pride and sorrow coming from Slade.

  “Are there any other nominations?” Lauren asked. When none were forthcoming, she asked for everyone to place their votes.

  “On what?” Zoey whispered to Slade.

  With a wiggle of his fingers, paper and pencil appeared in her hand as two boxes floated through the crowd. “Write the name Mistress Lauren if you vote for her. If you don’t vote for her, leave it blank. She has to reach seventy-five percent of the membership to be appointed.

  It seemed as if this process should take a long time, but within fifteen minutes they officially had their Grand Mistress and Grand Master appointed.

  Linus turned to Lauren and smiled so large that the whole town seemed to light up. “It’s time.”

  Grand Mistress Lauren looked nervously around, but she finally jumped up into Linus’s arms. He placed his hand on her heart and closed his eyes. Before their eyes, Mistress Lauren’s black fur transformed into long black hair as her legs and arms elongated and changed from paws to hands and feet.

  Linus stumbled and Slade raced up to steady him. Zoey watched in wonder as Slade took Mistress Lauren from Linus’s arms as the man collapsed. He was breathing hard, but smiling. He no longer held a cat. He held a woman—a woman in a black dress the same color as her long black hair. And when her eyes fluttered open, they were the same teal eyes Zoey had come to know well.

  Tears burst from the women in the crowd as everyone raced forward. Slade set Lauren on the ground. She wobbled and tightened her grip on his arm as she laughed. Her nose, which had a sprinkle of freckles across it, wrinkled as she laughed with utter happiness and abandon. Zoey had expected someone older, like Agnes or Vilma, but Lauren looked to be in her thirties.

  “Linus!” She reached for her old friend. “Thank you,” she said as tears of joy began rolling down her cheek. She reached for Linus and kissed his handsome cheek.

  “It’s good to see your smiling face again. You look just your mother, bless her heart.”

  Taking a deep breath, Lauren turned to accept the hugs of her sisters. When the reunion slowed down, Linus called out, “Mistress Zoey and Master Slade, please come forward.”

  “Do you still have my crest?” Slade asked.

  “Yes,” Zoey said, pulling it from her bra where it’d been held right above her heart. “Here you go. Why do you need it?”

  “You’ll see.” He grinned as he took her hand in his, and they walked through the parting crowd, stopping in front of the two heads.

  “Magnus, will you join us?” Linus asked.

  Her father stepped forward and smiled at her. “I’ve only read about this,” he whispered.

  “Master Slade, you come to us seeking permission to marry Mistress Zoey,” Linus said loudly as everyone quieted down.

  “I do,” Slade said seriously.

  “And do you, Master Magnus accept Slade for your daughter’s husband and for your new son?” Lauren asked.

  “I do,” her father answered just as seriously before Lauren turned toward Zoey.

  Lauren stood tall. “Grand Mistress Helena was my best friend. As such, I give my blessing for her son to marry Mistress Zoey in her stead. I don’t take this lightly, and I know she’d love Zoey as her own daughter.” Zoey looked to Slade whose jaw tightened with emotion as Mistress Lauren cleared her throat. “Mistress Zoey, do you love, accept, and desire to join with Slade now and forever?”

  “I do,” Zoey answered.

  “Then we, the head of the Claritase and Tenebris, would like to offer you our blessings on your upcoming wedding,” Lauren said with a kind smile.

  “Master Slade, your cloth please,” Linus requested.

  Slade reached into his back jean pocket and pulled the family crest from it as he sent her a wink. He handed it to Linus.

  “Please give us your hands,” Linus instructed.

  Slade reached for her hand then held them forward. Linus wrapped the cloth around them with the crest on top. Linus and Lauren then placed their hands on top of the crest. “By the power of the Goddess, your brothers and sisters, and your family, we offer you our love, blessing, and happiness now and forever.”

  A warmth spread from Linus and Lauren’s hands as a glow seemed to encircle them. Zoey took a deep breath and seemed to inhale it. It was acceptance, love, joy, and support, all in one warm feeling.

  Linus and Lauren dropped their hands and the feeling left.

  “And now, for the first time in four hundred and fifty years, we celebrate an engagement between a Claritase mistress and a Tenebris master!” Linus shouted as the crowd cheered. There were tears of joy, celebration of love and freedom, and all the promises of a happy future.


  Luke Tanner regained consciousness slowly. He felt warm, soft fingers trailing over his brow and through his hair. He blinked his eyes open and saw a curly haired angel. “Am I dead? Is this heaven?”

  She smiled with relief. “No. You’re alive, and this is Keeneston.”

  Luke looked around the house. He knew it. He’d been here before. “What am I doing here?”

  “What’s the last thing you remember?” Doctor Ava Miller asked.

  Luke shook his head as if to clear it. “I remember a gas leak. I was getting everyone out of Moonshine, but Agnes and Vilma couldn’t be found. I went back to get them. That’s the last thing I remember.”

  “Well,” Ava said before kissing his cheek quickly. “You were a hero. Agnes and Vilma are with the Rose sisters right now. They said you saved them from their house, got them to your car, but then passed out from the gas. They brought you here to me. I’ve given you an IV and have been trying to flush the gas from your system.”

  “Is Zoey here? I had this weird dream that someone tried to kill her with lightning bolts.”

  Ava shook her head. “No, Agnes and Vilma said Zoey and her fiancé left town together for a romantic getaway.” />
  “Slade, yeah. He was there too.” Luke felt as if the memory was right there on the tip of his tongue. “He died. I tried to save him. I think.”

  Ava smiled softly as she ran her hand through his hair. “Luke, gas poisoning can give you strange dreams. Agnes and Vilma assured me everyone was safe.” She paused and Luke didn’t notice as he was trying to remember more of his dream, but it was fading from memory. “Luke, do you care for Zoey?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Oh,” Ava said as her face dropped.

  “As a friend,” Luke hurriedly added before reaching for her hand. “It’s you I want to be with.”

  “Oh,” she said again, but this time with a smile and a blush to her cheeks. “Maybe you can stay in Keeneston for a little bit to visit?”

  Luke’s phone rang, and he hated to answer it, but his town needed him. “This is Deputy Tanner.”

  “This is Southern Rural Tennessee Gas. The leak has been fixed and Moonshine Hollow is now safe to be inhabited again. Thank you for your quick response in ensuring the safety of the people in your town.”

  “Thank you. I’ll let them know.” Luke hung up the phone and looked at Ava. “It’s safe for us to go back home.”

  There was a knock on the door and then five old ladies teetered in. He knew Agnes and Vilma and the others he knew as the Rose sisters, but he couldn’t remember their individual names.

  “You’re awake!” Agnes said with a little slur to her voice.

  “Are you drunk?” Luke asked as Ava just shook her head.

  “You gave them your special Rose sisters’ tea, didn’t you?” Ava asked as she sat back and tried to smooth down the blue scrubs that almost matched her eyes.

  The tall slender one just shrugged. “It’s only fair. They gave us moonshine when were down there.”

  “Miss Daisy, do you remember Luke Tanner?” The tall sister smiled at him.

  “Sure do. These are my sisters, Lily and Violet, in case you forgot us from the last wedding,” she said, her voice picking up more of a Southern drawl as she drank.

  “You poor dear!”

  “No, Miss Violet!” Ava shouted as she flung her body across Luke’s face. Well, she could stay like this forever as far as Luke was concerned. His face was pressed against Ava’s breasts. “You can’t suffocate him. He’s still recovering.”

  “He’s too fine to kill.” Agnes laughed. Now, why did that sound familiar? And why did Luke suddenly think of a black cat with teal eyes?

  “You know,” Miss Lily started to say as Ava, unfortunately, sat back up, “Matt Walz, the sheriff here in Keeneston, is looking for two new deputies. Andy will be hired after he graduates training, but that leaves one spot open.”

  The way the five women’s eyes moved from Luke to Ava and back to Luke gave him the shivers. It was as if they already knew something he didn’t.

  “I can’t leave Moonshine. Who would protect the town?”

  He saw Ava’s lips thin, but she didn’t say anything. He hated this. He’d found a woman he loved, but she was tied to Lexington as she completed her medical residency, and he was tied to Moonshine.

  “You know, now that Slade and Zoey are getting married, he’ll need a job,” Agnes pointed out.

  “Didn’t you tell me he was in law enforcement of some kind?” Miss Lily asked Agnes and Vilma with a gleam to her eye.

  “Why, yes, I did. He’s a bounty hunter and private investigator who also had worked as a bouncer at one point. He’s very good at keeping everyone in line. Isn’t that right, Luke?” Vilma asked with a similar gleam to her eye.

  Luke nodded. That was true. He’d make a good sheriff, especially if Luke could talk Sheriff Weller into finally retiring. If he could do that, he’d feel safe leaving Moonshine in Slade’s hands. After all, it wasn’t that far of a drive. He could visit all the time so it wouldn’t be like he was abandoning the town he loved.

  Luke sat up and took a deep breath. He was feeling much better now. “I better get everyone home. Thanks for taking care of me, Ava.”

  “Anytime,” she said as she struggled not to look sad.

  Maybe he could have a little talk with Matt before he left. He’d met the sheriff on his last visit to Keeneston. Before he contemplated moving to Keeneston, he needed to make sure he’d have a job, a girlfriend, and someone to take his place in Moonshine.

  “Aww, I hate to leave. It’s been fun, ladies,” Agnes said to the Rose sisters. They hugged Agnes and Vilma goodbye and Luke would swear the three sisters, they had to be a hundred if they were a day, seemed lighter on their feet as they headed out of the room.

  “I think the bourbon just embalms them,” Ava whispered, and Luke covered a laugh with a cough.

  “I’m sorry to be leaving, Ava. I can come back to visit in two weeks. I’d sure like to take you out to dinner.”

  “I look forward to it.” She looked shyly at Agnes and Vilma who finally got the hint and left to tell the others.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll work this out,” Luke said, taking her hand in his and pulling her into a hug.

  “I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too. Thanks for taking care of me.”

  “There’s no one I rather have in my bed,” Ava said with a grin that made him groan. He didn’t want to leave Keeneston, but he had to.

  Luke dropped his lips to hers and kissed her with the longing he felt. But then his phone began to explode. Agnes and Vilma were spreading the word, and he had to get the people back to Moonshine Hollow.


  Slade sat at a table in Zoey’s Sweet Treats as the entire town of Moonshine seemed to have agreed to start the day super early there, eating pastries and talking about their trip to Keeneston, the gas leak, and Sheriff Weller’s surprise announcement that he was retiring.

  Agnes and Vilma took a seat at the table with him and moaned as they ate the delicious breakfast. The double chocolate chip muffin was to die for.

  “Did you hear the news?” Agnes asked.

  “I’ve heard a lot of it this morning. Peach and Otis are fighting again. Fay has a new pie that she thinks will win the Moonshine Summer Festival, and Ada Mae is pissed about it. Then there’s the news that Moonshine Hollow has become the new headquarters of the Claritase and Tenebris,” Slade said with a smile.

  Vilma and Agnes grinned and sent each other a wink.

  “We got that announcement today. The town is about to get a little bigger as the council moves in. By the way, congratulations,” Vilma said to him.

  “Thank you.” He’d been asked to be on the Tenebris Council, just as Zoey had been asked to sit on the Claritase Council. It was a great honor and they both happily accepted. His best friend, Samuel, had also been asked.

  “Who is on the Claritase Council?”

  “Zoey, us, Polly, and Neferu,” Vilma answered.

  Slade raised an eyebrow. That was an interesting mix.

  “But did you hear the other news?” Agnes asked.

  “About Sheriff Weller retiring?” Agnes and Vilma nodded as the door to the shop opened and Luke walked in. “Here’s our new sheriff now.”

  “I wouldn’t bet on it,” Vilma said. “Come on, Agnes, let’s go help Zoey. It’s hoppin’ in here.”

  Slade shook his head as the two old witches took over the cash register and Luke stopped at his table. “Can I have a moment?”

  “Of course.”

  Slade watched Luke sit down and look around before leaning forward. “I’ve had a job offer.”

  “I figured. Congrats, Sheriff. You’re the right man for the job.”

  Luke shook his head. “Not here. Well, yes, here. I’ve already been sworn in here. But I also got one from the Keeneston Sheriff’s Department in Kentucky.”

  Slade thought about it for a second. “That’s where your woman lives, right?”

  “Well, she’s not mine . . . yet.”

  “But you want her to be?”

  Luke nodded.

o, what does this have to do with me? Do you need some advice or something? If so, you came to the wrong guy. I’m more of a man of action than words.”

  Luke grinned. “No, I don’t need advice. I can’t leave Moonshine without making sure it’s in good hands. The town needs a new sheriff—one who will be here for a while. Someone who can put up with a bunch of drunken Mountaineers or break up food fights between the Irises and the Opossums. And someone not afraid to search the woods at night for a lost child, or to protect the citizens when they don’t realize they need protecting.”

  Slade nodded as the door opened and Grand Mistress Lauren walked in. You’d never know she was a powerful witch as she wore jeans and a strappy teal shirt that matched her eyes.

  “That’s the woman who’s a physician’s assistant and is opening a clinic, Lauren. I met her yesterday. She also said she has a friend who is a doctor who is thinking of coming to town,” Luke said to Slade.

  “The town is growing for the good,” Slade said as he took a sip of his coffee. “Goodness knows having someone who can actually heal a person is needed. Especially with deer season coming up.” Slade smiled to himself. He was becoming part of this town more and more, and he liked it. Especially when he looked up and winked at his soon-to-be bride. The feeling was new to him, but it was happiness.

  “And like I said, it needs a sheriff. Someone who will protect this town. Someone who is respected. Someone who is good. So, will you do it?”

  Slade set down his coffee. “You want me to be sheriff?”

  “Yeah, I do. I admit I didn’t like you much when you first arrived, but you’ve grown on me. Everything about you screams big bad tough guy, yet I know you’ll look after the town, protect it, and help it thrive. You’ll be the perfect sheriff.”

  Slade looked at Luke and then at Zoey. She sent him a wink, and he could feel her happiness. She loved it here and now Moonshine would be a safe haven for witches as well. They’d need him, and Luke was right, at heart he was a protector of good. He held out his hand. “I accept.”