Forever Guarded Read online

Page 11

  Piper lay down on the bed and pulled the pillow under her head as she watched Aiden lean back and stretch his legs. “I loved it. Wick was like a brother to me, but one I could leave to go home if he irritated me. He and I used to go climbing together. My parents were so mad when they found out we had climbed without ropes or adults watching us.”

  “Tell me more about you and Wick,” Piper said, settling into the pillow. She found herself drifting off to sleep as Aiden talked.

  * * *

  Aiden looked down at Piper as she slept. She looked so relaxed. So peaceful. He reached down and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. “I’ll protect you with my life,” he swore before bending down and placing a long soft kiss to her temple.

  He quietly left the room and closed the door behind him. He picked up his computer and phone and got to work calling the Rahmi guard he was going to be working with. He studied blueprints and photos of the lab along with the town. They were staying at the palace while they were in Rahmi. Mo had called his brother, King Dirar, and explained the situation. Apparently very thankful to Piper for starting the lab, Aiden was told Piper regularly stayed at the palace and was welcome to this time as well. Further, Ahmed had sent over a drawing of the palace, with exits and safe rooms marked. By the time they landed, Aiden had a mental map of the entire area.

  The door to the bedroom opened and Piper stepped out in a wrinkled shirt, hair sticking out, and sleep still in her eyes. “Are we there?”

  “Yes, babe. We are. We’ll head to the palace and get settled in. I can meet with Nash’s contact while you freshen up. He’ll be supplying the soldiers to assist with the ambush.”

  Aiden picked up the bags and waited for Piper to slip her shoes on as he chastised himself. He couldn’t stop staring at her as she tied her shoes. He had to push his feelings aside for her and move on. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it. So what if he couldn’t get enough of her stories about Keeneston and growing up? So what if he respected the hell out of her accomplishments? So what if he found her delightfully funny? So what if the idea of dating someone longer than a couple weeks at a time sounded good only if that someone was Piper? He had a job to do, and he was going to do it. Bloody hell, as long as she stopped bending over like that, that is.

  Piper stood and Aiden’s body brushed against hers as he passed her so he could exit first. “Stay on the plane until I have everything cleared.”

  “Is that why the engines are still running?” Piper asked as she looked out the window.

  “Yes. If anything happens, the pilot will take off immediately.”

  “But what about you?”

  “Never stay behind for me,” Aiden said sternly before taking off down the stairs.

  * * *

  Piper nervously watched Aiden descend the stairs and look around. He shook hands with a soldier who took the bags and put them in the back of the car as Aiden climbed back into the plane.

  “It’s all clear. Let’s go. And stay right behind me.”

  Piper stood behind him and looked at the country that had become a second home for her. Now she regarded it with suspicion. Who was there to kill her? Was it someone she knew? Piper stayed tucked in behind Aiden as they quickly made their way to the car. She recognized the driver and felt herself relax when she slid onto the leather seats. Aiden moved to sit up front and sat quietly while they drove to the palace. Aiden watched every building and car while Piper watched Aiden. He took in everything as his eyes constantly roved from side to side.

  Soon they were through the gates and pulling to a stop at the main entrance to the palace. Piper moved to open the door, but Aiden glared at her. Piper let out a huff and waited for him to open her door. Aiden looked so different when he was protecting her compared to when they were safely tucked away talking. All softness was gone. His posture was rigid. His eyes were constantly moving. His hand was hard when he took her hand in his to help her from the car. And when an elegant woman moved from the door to stand atop the steps, Aiden shoved Piper behind him.

  “It’s okay. That’s Princess Nailah. Her husband is Prince Jamal, the heir to the Rahmi throne,” Piper whispered as she put a gentle hand on his arm. His muscles were tense under her touch, but he gave her a small nod, showing he understood. Aiden reached behind her and placed his hand on the small of her back and practically propelled her up the steps.

  “Piper!” Nailah greeted with a smile as she held out her hands. Piper grasped them as they kissed each other’s cheeks in welcome. During Piper’s time in Rahmi, she had become friends with the often-neglected princess. Hers had been an arranged marriage, one that neither wanted. And Jamal was definitely difficult to live with. Or at least he was until Mo sat him down and ripped into him a couple years before. Since then, the marriage had improved. It was far from perfect, but the positive changes were noticeable. Jamal was spending more time in Kentucky, learning things from his uncle and cousins that his father, King Dirar, wouldn’t or couldn’t teach him. They were simple things like working with your hands mucking out stalls for the satisfaction of a job well done.

  “Nailah,” Piper smiled as she looked closely at her friend. “I feel like it’s been ages since I saw you last when it was only a couple months since you were in Keeneston.”

  “I know. So much has changed, my friend.” Nailah paused to look at Aiden and then back to Piper. “Come, let me show you to your rooms, then we shall talk. You’re right on time. We’re having a large party tonight, and you’re invited.”

  “Nailah, this is Aiden Creed. He’s my bodyguard and will need to attend as well.”

  Nailah nodded without a single hair escaping her beautiful braid. “Of course. Jamal told me everything. I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. You know the whole guard is at your disposal.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” Aiden told her as he followed behind the two women.

  Piper loved the open-air palace. There were balconies everywhere and large windows with brightly colored drapes that seemed to warm every room. It took a moment to walk to the guest quarters, but Nailah had put Piper in her favorite room overlooking the gardens.

  “Sir, your room is right next door. There is a hidden connecting door here.” Nailah showed them a Moroccan-inspired wood screen that was really a door. “My husband, Jamal, will call for you shortly. You will be working with his personal security team while you are here.”

  Piper saw Aiden’s surprised reaction, but he bowed his head politely and thanked her. “I’ll unpack and await his call. Thank you, ma’am.” Aiden turned to Piper and when he looked at her, she felt as if she were the only person in the whole world. “Just call out if you need me. I’ll have my phone with me too. I will make sure there is a guard outside your door before I go anywhere.”

  Piper smiled at him and nodded. “Thanks, Aiden.” She waited until Aiden disappeared behind the secret door that Nailah quickly closed behind him.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” Piper asked with a sly smile as Nailah hurried back across the room.

  “Well, you know we’ve been spending more time in Keeneston, and it appears being around Mo and Dani and our cousins has really made an impact on Jamal. About six months ago he asked me on a date.”

  Piper grinned as she grabbed her friend’s hands and squeezed them happily. “That’s wonderful!”

  “Yes. And it continued when we got back to Rahmi. We’ve taken boat rides together. We even snuck out of the palace to walk among the people as a happy couple like Zain and Mila do when they are here. And then, the last night we were in Keeneston a couple months ago, he took me into the gardens at night and told me he loved me!” Nailah could barely contain her excitement.

  “Oh, Nailah! I’m so happy for you.” Piper flung her arms around her friend and hugged her. When she had first met Nailah, she’d never imagined they would become friends. Nailah was timid and isolated. Now she seemed free and confident.

  “There’s more.” Nailah was practically bouncing
off the bright blue couch they were sitting on. “That night Jamal told me he loved me, well, our passions could not be contained. The doctor examined me this morning, and I’m pregnant!”

  Piper gasped. They’d been trying to get pregnant for years. The king was so worried he wouldn’t have a spare heir that Zain had been appointed next in line for the throne after Jamal. And unfortunately in a very similar way, Mila and Zain were also having problems getting pregnant, though they had been married for a much shorter time.

  “I don’t know how to tell you how excited I am for you!” Piper almost shouted as she hugged her friend again.

  “We are making the announcement tonight. There will be a grand feast. The king also said he has a gift he will present to us, and then dancing. Please say you’ll sit with me at the head table. I know I have friends here now, but you’ll always be my first true friend.”

  “Of course. I’d be honored to.” Piper froze as she looked wide-eyed at Nailah. “Have you told Zain and Mila yet?”

  Nailah nodded with a large smile on her face. “Jamal and I video-called them a couple hours ago. I imagine the look of relief on Mila’s face mirrored my own when the doctor told me I was pregnant. Now I must pray it’s a boy so we can have an heir.”

  There was a knock on the door, and Piper called for them to come in. Jamal strutted in, but instead of looking like his cocky self, he looked happy and relaxed. “Have you told her our news?”

  “Yes, dear. And she agreed to sit with us at dinner.”

  “Oh, Jamal. I’m so happy for you both,” Piper said sincerely as she gave him a tentative hug. It wasn’t so long ago he would have tried to feel her up, but he’d grown a lot under Mo’s tutelage.

  “Thank you. My cousins were very happy as well.” He laughed. “And be prepared to have my father talk your ear off. He’s on the phone with Mo now, talking everything from baby names to nursery gifts.” Jamal’s smile fell then. “But I hear not all is well with you.”

  “Have you been filled in?” Piper asked.

  “Yes. I talked to Nabi and Nash a little while ago. I am on my way to meet with your security. Let me know if you need anything.” Jamal reached out and took Nailah’s hand in his. “We consider you family, Piper. For what you’ve done for Rahmi with the lab and for the friendship you’ve given my wife. I will do all I can to help.”

  “Thank you, Jamal.” Piper felt emotions rushing forward as her voice tightened.

  “Now, I will leave you to your chat while I meet with Mr. Creed. I will see you shortly. The festivities begin in two hours.”

  Jamal left and closed the door behind him. Nailah grabbed her hand and dragged her to the closet. “I figured you wouldn’t have anything formal to wear, so I had some of my clothes brought in.”

  She opened the door and Piper took in the beautiful dresses in bright cheerful colors and for a moment she forgot about the cloud following her. It had been banished, at least temporarily, with happiness and love. “Now, let’s get ready while you tell me all about that sexy man you came with.”


  Aiden tightened the knot of his tie in the mirror as he listened to the giggling coming from Piper’s room. Apparently the princess was a good friend of Piper’s, and they were getting ready for tonight’s celebration together. Aiden had been invited, but it was clear he was to be in the background while he was told Piper would be at the head table.

  That was better for Aiden. He could easily keep an eye on things from the background. He could move, check out people, and react quicker. Jamal had set him up with his best guards and had given him permission to carry his weapons, which was much appreciated since Aiden didn’t have a standing agreement with Rahmi.

  Aiden looked at his watch and then knocked on the connecting door. “Come on in, Aiden,” he heard Piper call out.

  Aiden opened the door and saw Jamal and his wife holding hands. When they stepped out of the room, he saw Piper standing behind them in an emerald green dress that matched the green in her eyes, the gold beading along the bodice also matched the streaks of gold in her hazel eyes. The dress was fitted through the top and consisted of layers of wispy green fabric flowing to the ground. Her normally pulled-back hair was down in loose curls and pulled back from her face with a gold-beaded band that matched the top of her dress.

  Aiden couldn’t form words. She was breathtaking. But the longer he stood staring, he could see she grew more nervous. She broke her eye contact from him and looked at the floor. “It’s a bit much,” she said quietly. She didn’t think she was beautiful. Aiden couldn’t believe it.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” Aiden crossed the room as Piper looked up. He cupped her face with his hands as he stared into her eyes. He saw hers looking into his, searching for answers he wasn’t prepared to give.

  “If you weren’t my client I would kiss you right now. As it is, I’m going to have a very hard night. In more ways than one.” Aiden looked down and grinned with amusement as Piper’s eyes followed. She sucked in her breath at his very obvious arousal. It seemed to be an ongoing problem around her.

  But in that moment, Piper seemed to change. She grinned mischievously and when she looked at him, her eyes were heated with desire. Gone was the girl worried about her looks. She’d been replaced by a vixen. And when Piper took a step closer to him and brushed his erection with her body, he groaned and tightened his fingers on the nape of her neck. “For this one moment, I am safe in your arms.”

  Aiden swallowed hard. “Fuck it,” he said under his breath a moment before he dropped one hand to Piper’s waist and used the other at the nape of her neck to angle her lips to his.

  He didn’t try to coax her with his kiss. Instead, he claimed her with it. All the frustration of having her off limits was unleashed. The forbidden element added heat to his kiss as he deepened it, his tongue thrust suggestively against hers as she melded her body to his. She fit perfectly in his arms. He had also thought Piper might be timid, and for a brief moment he thought about pulling back, but she responded with such pure passion he found himself almost frantic with need as she ran her hands down his chest.

  “Oh, so sorry,” Nailah gasped. “I was just seeing if Piper was ready, but I’ll just meet you down there.”

  Aiden pulled back, expecting Piper to become bashful, and he was again pleasantly surprised when she didn’t drop her hands from his chest or step away from him. “I’ll meet you in the hall. Just need one minute.”

  “Sure,” Nailah said with a big grin as she closed the door behind her. His Piper—and she was his—had just asked a princess to wait so she could be with him.

  “I like being safe with you,” Piper said in a voice that was so seductive he felt it in his bollocks. “I think it’s stopped being a matter of if and turned into a matter of when,” she said as she tilted her lips up to his one more time. Only this time there was a princess waiting for her, so Aiden placed a soft, sweet, and, unfortunately, short kiss on her lips and let her go.

  “We’ll find Phobos, then you’re mine.”

  “I’ll be yours for a night. Then we’ll see,” Piper said with a smirk that had Aiden wanting to prove himself to her so badly he ached. She winked at him and headed for the door as Aiden took some calming breaths. “Let’s go, Nailah. Thanks for waiting.”

  * * *

  The party was a surprise to everyone there. Aiden watched from behind and slightly off to the side of the dais where Piper sat at the end as the guests talked excitedly. He couldn’t hear everything they were saying, but he could read the curiosity on their faces.

  “The bodyguard?” Nailah whispered to Piper. Piper looked quickly over at him, but he was too busy scanning the crowd to care about a little kiss-and-tell. In fact, he was rather proud of himself. He liked being linked to Piper.

  “Shh. He’ll hear you.”

  “No, he won’t. He’s not paying attention. I guess I picked the right dress.”

  “We’re not doing anything,”
Piper protested. “He’s protecting me. That’s it.”

  “Protecting you with his body,” Nailah said with a giggle. It was hard for Aiden not to smile at that comment, but he kept to his job as he scanned the crowd.

  “We haven’t done that yet. And I don’t know if we will,” Piper confessed. Well, now she had his attention. He was pretty sure they’d just talked about being together after she was safe. Was she regretting their kiss?

  “Why ever not? Don’t you want to?”

  “Of course I want to. Have you seen him? But it’s more than that. I like him. Like, I like him.”

  Aiden chanced a glance toward them and saw Nailah shaking her head. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “I’m afraid I might like him too much and then end up like all his other girlfriends. Dumped two weeks later. I’m afraid I’ll want more than that. I’m nothing like his past girlfriends. They’re more like you—aristocratic, classy, and perfect. I’m the messy girl next door.”

  The music began signaling King Dirar’s entrance and prevented Aiden from hearing more. But he didn’t want to hear more. Piper had already given him enough to think about. It was true. He wanted her underneath him, on top of him, and every other way, but did he want her in his life for more than that? The answer came surprisingly easy for him—yes. He did. For the first time in a very long time he wanted more. And he wanted it with only Piper.

  * * *

  Piper looked at King Dirar as he stood with his wife and motioned for Jamal and Nailah to join him. Jamal was smitten with his wife, and Piper couldn’t be more thrilled as she watched Jamal hold Nailah’s hand in his as they stood next to his father.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming on such short notice, but much has changed since this morning. My son and his wife have been blessed with wonderful news. My first grandchild will be born in April,” the king announced.